Erasmus+ Meeting

Ihr Lieben,

seit einiger Zeit ist das Jugendhaus Mitglied bei Erasmus+. Das Einführungstreffen der acht teilnehmenden Länder hat am 02. und 03.06. stattgefunden. Wir lernten uns kennen, besprachen allgemein Organisatorisches und begannen gemeinsam eine e-learning Plattform zu entwickeln.

Im Folgenden findet ihr die original Pressemitteilung über die Einführungsveranstaltung:



E-Learning on digitalisation and resilience for directors and managers of third sector organisations

On 2nd and 3rd June 2022, delegates from the eight organisations from seven EU countries participating in the EDR project met in Malaga (Spain).

The aim of the EDR project is to produce the first e-learning platform, open and multilingual, on digitalisation and resilience for directors and managers of the third sector organisations across the EU. The e-learning platform will be accessible from computers, tablets and smartphones. The platform will be available in eight languages (English, Spanish, Italian, German, Greek, Hungarian, Portuguese and Romanian) and it will contain:

1) Online course for directors and managers of third sector organisations on how to formulate, finance and execute strategies to make their organisations more resilient through the use of ICT.

2) Online assessment tool to evaluate the learning outcomes from the online course.

3) Online toolkit (set of tools and supporting materials) to facilitate the formulation and implementation of digital transformation strategies.

4) Social media channels in eight languages (English, Spanish, Italian, German, Greek, Hungarian, Portuguese and Romanian) for directors and managers of third sector organisations to exchange their experiences in the digital transformation of their organisations.

5) Good practices section for those interested to share their good practices in making their organisations more resilient through the use of ICT.

During the meeting in Malaga, the delegates from the eight partner organisations established the guidelines for the development of the e-learning platform and content. Once the first development is completed, the e-learning platform and content will be tested by directors and managers of the third sector organisations from seven EU countries. Based on the results from the testing, the project partners will implement the necessary improvements before the final publication of the e-learning platform, in february 2024, in eight languages (English, Spanish, Italian, German, Greek, Hungarian, Portuguese and Romanian) under a Creative Commons license. Thus allowing anyone to freely use it, modify it and build upon.

The EDR project is a joint initiative of Fundacion Marcelino Champagnat (Spain), Fondazione Siamo Mediterraneo (Italy), Asociatia Fratilor Maristi Ai Scolilor Din (Romania), Határtalan Szív Alapítvány (Hungary), Leonteios Astiki min Kerdoskopik Etaireia (Greece), Institute of the Marist Brothers, FMS of the Province Central-West Europe (Germany), Fundação Champagnat (Portugal), and Neptelia (Spain). The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

Note: The EDR project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The content of this press release is the sole responsibility of the project partners.

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